Ежегодные мероприятия

Hackathon – the place of power.

«A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest, datathon or codefest; a portmanteau of «hacking marathon») is a design sprint-like event; often, in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, domain experts, and others collaborate intensively on software projects.»

If you are dreaming of making the world a better place with the help of modern technologies, if you have a team or are dreaming of getting one – take part in hackathons, organized by NTI! We have been hosting contests for developers since 2015. Hundreds of talented students and young professionals, dozens of original ideas, true emotions, meeting real professional – that’s Hackathon!

Human resources for digital economy

Deal with real problems of real economy without cramming the theory; solve current and creative cases from real business; apply your knowledge in practice, offer viable solutions, see your team working on different challenges and start your dream career – all these things are possible for high-school students and students of the Institute, taking part in the open online engineering and business case study championship «Human resources for digital economy».

Gather a reliable and motivated team and click here!

Human resources for digital economy

Regional online contest of youth engineering and technical expertise is annually held by Nizhny Tagil Technological Institute for students of schools, colleges and technical schools.

Are you interested in industry of the Ural region and want to deepen your engineering and technical knowledge? Take part in Ural4Industry contest!

International Conference on Industrial Manufacturing and Metallurgy

The principal aim of the International Conference on Industrial Manufacturing and Metallurgy is communication between researchers and representatives of industrial enterprises to present new ideas and technologies.

Nizhny Tagil Technological Institute has been the host of the conference (previously known as «Science-education-industry: experience and prospects») since 1990. Every year about 400 participants from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Belgium, Egypt, Germany France, Italy, Austria, Mongolia, China take part in the conference. Annually among the participants of the international scientific symposium are more than 50 universities, scientific organizations and industrial enterprises.

Industrial partners of the conference are JSC EVRA-NTMK, Iridium, Techprom company group.

As part of the conference program, the participants are able to take a tour to industrial enterprises of Nizhny Tagil.

A selected collection of conference materials is published and indexed in Scopus.

International Conference on Industrial Manufacturing and Metallurgy
Youth and Science

Students, high-school students, postgraduate students, faculty and staff members of Russian educational establishments, representatives of industrial enterprises, regional authorities, public institutions and communities get together every May to take part in international scientific conference «Youth and Science».

Conference tracks include:

  • Machine building and metalworking
  • Metallurgy
  • Welding and connected processes
  • Chemical technologies
  • Architecture and construction
  • Economics and enterprise management
  • Mathematical and computer modeling
  • Production automation systems, mechatronics and robotics

A collection of conference materials is published online and indexed in RSCI.

Youth and Science
Олимпиада по математике «Стальной кубок»

Олимпиада по математике представляет собой состязание школьников старших классов общеобразовательных школ в умении решать сложные исследовательские и научные задачи и проблемы, убедительно представлять свои решения.

Победители и призеры олимпиады получают 3 дополнительных балла индивидуальных достижений при поступлении на специальности и направления подготовки в Нижнетагильский технологический институт.

Олимпиада по математике «Стальной кубок»
Олимпиада по физике «Инженер XXI века»

Олимпиада по физике представляет собой состязание школьников старших классов общеобразовательных школ Горнозаводского управленческого округа в умении решать сложные исследовательские и научные задачи и проблемы, убедительно представлять свои решения.

Победители и призеры второго (финального) этапа получают 3 дополнительных балла индивидуальных достижений при поступлении на специальности и направления подготовки в Нижнетагильский технологический институт.

Олимпиада по физике «Инженер XXI века»