Внеучебная деятельность
ОДМО «Первые»
Общественная организация

Строительный отряд

Строительный отряд

Дискуссионный клуб «Черное и белое»
Дискуссионный клуб

Клуб интеллектуальных игр
Интеллектуальный клуб

Клуб веселых и находчивых
Команда КВН «Аксиома»

Клуб любителей детективных игр
Настольные игры

Игровые виды спорта
Мини-футбол, волейбол, баскетбол

Секции шахмат и шашек
Настольные игры

Секция фитнеса
Спортивный комплекс «Металлург Форум»

Хореографический коллектив
Занятия под руководством опытного хореографа

Студия вокального мастерства
Занятия в музыкальной студии «Серебряные струны»

Секция киберспорта

Клуб прикладного творчества «Хэндмэйд»

Секция проектной деятельности
Проектное обучение

Внеучебная деятельность

Public voluntary youth organization «Perviye (The Firsts)» is perhaps the brightest example of student government in the Institute. The main objective of the organization is to create and develop a socially active segment of students. All students of the youth organization are bright, courageous, active, responsible young adults with a clear world view. «Perviye» justifies its name, as its members are initiators, inspirers and executors of many Institute activities. Any student who has the desire to make life in the Institute diverse, interesting and truly an experience can become a member of the organization.

Women’s student construction team

Date of birth: November 26, 2008 (officially December 1)

The team is 12 years old, it’s been actively developing and reaching new goals. In the course of its existence it has taken part in all-Russian student construction event “Akademicheskiy” four times.

New goal is reaching new cities: Kirov (2016), Tobolsk (2018), Yekaterinburg (2019), settlement Veselovka (2020)

The club unites completely different students with polar points of view. The meetings always discuss topical and sometimes provocative issues connected with socially acute facets of human life. No opinion will be condemned, every word will be heard, because, as we know, truth is born in a dispute!

Always moving with the times, the intellectual club has undergone changes from the once popular game «What? Where? When?» to the modern quiz format.

Quiz consists of several rounds. Each round is individual and includes questions to be answered within a specified time frame. The moderator will read out the question and participants will have to write the answer on a special form.

Tending topics of games, atmosphere of friendly competition, possibility to give your brain a «workout» is only a small part of what participants of the club get.

The KVN team of the Nizhny Tagil Technological Institute has been playing for decades, proudly defending the honor of the institute at various levels. Creative, fun, witty guys can always come up with funny fan fiction, stand-up sketch or dive into the current activities with successful improvisation.

The club’s favourite game is Mafia, which has remained popular for many years. Elegant girls, young men in smart suits, an atmosphere of mystery created by face masks, keeping the intrigue to the very end, an unsurpassed host. You can come and play alone or you can bring a team of your friends from the Institute – there’s always a chance!

The best coaches of the city, modern equipped grounds in «Metallurg-Forum», convenient training schedule are available.

Logical games develop precision thinking and the ability to calculate a situation a few moves ahead. Unlike other board games, there is little chance of luck, and only intelligence can win. Classes are held in the Chess and Checkers Center of Nizhny Tagil under the guidance of professional chess and checkers players.

Good physical shape is essential to accept the modern intensive pace of life calmly. You can develop strength and endurance, agility, coordination of movements, flexibility and improve your posture in the fitness club. Modern training equipment, convenient time for workout sessions, communication with like-minded people perfectly fit into modern rhythm of life of a healthy person. Classes are held in the «Metallurg- Forum» sports and health centre.

Flexibility, plastic, synchronization, beauty - these are the first words that come to mind when it comes to choreography. Talented and beautiful, airy and graceful participants not only work under the guidance of a skilled choreographer, but also independently develop short performances. One has comfortable studio for training, the possibility of adjusting the schedule of classes at their disposal, as well as a friendly team that always welcomes new creative personalities.

Discovering and developing singing talent is the main task of the studio. Professional instructors will not only help to develop existing skills, but will teach even inexperienced beginners to sing. The participants of the vocal group have repeatedly become winners and laureates of many contests and festivals. Classes are held in the «Serebryanye Struny» (Silver Strings) music studio in the city centre.

The Cyber Sports Club has been working for more than 10 years and was originally created by students. In line with current trends, the list of available games is being expanded and the technical base is being updated. Powerful computers, convenient training schedule, free choice of online video games from Counter-Strike to World of Tanks are always awaiting their Cyber athletes.

For extraordinary individuals who want to create! Workshps in various directions: flower arrangement, handicrafts, sewing, pottery and many other interesting activities are available to the members.

Would you like to implement your ideas? Come to us, and a team of professionals will help properly define, draft and finalize your idea, will teach you how to submit projects and grants proposals, help make your dream come true!